Xenon Pharmaceuticals is one of the oldest and largest pharmaceutical company of Lahore which has shown an extra ordinary growth rate in the last few years. Xenon is running Pharma Application (an industry specific application for Pharmaceutical industry) designed and developed by GCA Solutions.
Xenon’s database (MSSQL Server2000 based) size now approaching 500MB (0.6 million records) mark incorporates all their business functions and processes. They range from procurement, quality control, warehousing, manufacturing, production control, sales and marketing.
After enjoying the success of their computerization project and with Xenon’s new emerging business requirements resulting from their tremendous growth, its management is now endeavoring to have their data available online on the web. This is with the objective to provide Xenon’s users (specially the senior management) access to their corporate information wherever they are in the world.
This project expects to fulfill three requirements of the Xenon’s Pharmaceuticals by creating a system called PharmOL (Pharama Online) assigned to assist in three key areas, create an online transactional replication process between in-house corporate database and web based database, create analysis reports in the client server architecture and generate some of critical and necessary reports in web browser.