This report deals with the development and implementation of Secure Automation of Research Conferences (SARC) to aid the manual/traditional conference management activities through a single, database driven web application.
The system incorporates three basic workspaces those are administrator workspace, speaker workspace and participant workspace. As far as the administrator workspace is concerned, it is further subdivided into webmaster who would be responsible for interface creation, event coordinator workspace deals with boarding and lodging of speakers and participants and Program committee that deals with the schedule of a conference. SARC has features like interface creation, user management, paper acceptance/rejection, reservations, messaging service, discussion platform, search facility, trend analysis along with incorporated security to make the data and transactions secure.
This system differs from other similar products available online as it is aiding complete functionality on one platform with utilities like online reservation, security, discussion and personal message box that others don’t offer. System is no doubt very flexible and reliable. This portal has a four-tier authorization system. It groups the four user segments into Super admin, Administrator, Speaker and Participant. Depending upon the login name and password, the system recognizes the level/group of the user and thus releases the service. The purpose of the system is to present a viable alterative to traditional conference management by developing a system that can be used most effectively and securely to leverage the administrator, speaker’s and participant’s time.