Coal slurry is the coal waste in liquid form which is generated by using mining sports inclusive of coal washing. After mining, coal is beaten up intosmallpiecesandwashed,thusresultsthegenerationofsolidwasteaswellas liquidwasteinhugeamount.The aim of this paper istoanalyzetheuseofcoal slurry wastefromDar-E-Adam Khel, KPK incement. The consequences confirmed that coal slurry waste can be used to prepare clinkers for preparationof cement.The coal slurry waste become combined into raw combination with specific proportions. Different samples of raw meal were formed by the addition of coal slurry waste in 1% ,2% and 3% by weight. Many characteristics and properties likeburnabilityindex,gaseousemissionandtheirquality,mostimportantphases of clinker like alite,beliteetc.wereconsidered,amountoffreelimeandchemical composition of coal slurry waste is well matched with the standard sample of cement clinker of askari cement Wahh Cantonment. Portland cement clinker prepared without coal slurry waste mean the standard of askari cement Wahh Cantonment. has un bonded lime and burn ability index test consequences were higher than coal slurry containing clinker. These findings advise that coal slurry waste facilitate burn ability and rate of reaction of raw material to form cement rises making process economical. By noticing that replacing 3% weight coal slurry waste can be used as raw material to produce cement with good properties of clinker.One most important finding of this analysis was the most important phases of cement which are Alite, Belite, Tricalcium aluminate and tricalcium aluminafer rite was in the range and are comparable with standard of askari cement.
Allthesefindingsrecommendtheusageofcoalslurryasitiseconomicalaswell ascompatibleandmostimportantlyincludestheusageofwastewhichisharmful for the environment