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Show simple item record PARVEEN, RABIA GARDEZI, RAIHA TARIQ, MAHEEN MALIK, MAHNOOR 2020-12-28T08:20:54Z 2020-12-28T08:20:54Z 2012
dc.description.abstract SYED HAROON RASHEED en_US
dc.description.sponsorship This report is based on the complete financial analysis of PIA. Report also includes economic and industry analysis of aviation industry in Pakistan. The report starts with a detailed information about the chosen company i.e. Pakistan International Airlines. There is a short history about this company. Then we have done the whole industrial analysis of airline industry. The Aviation industry in Pakistan is under developed. Ownership of Government in Pakistan Aviation industry is 80% while 20% is privately owned. And PIA is dominant over all these aviation companies because it is Government owned so it is publicly listed and it is also national flag carrier. There are total 36 operational airports in the country. The transportation sector in Pakistan contributes 10% towards the GDP of the country. Hence this sector holds an important position in the economy of Pakistan. Air transportation industry is highly capital intensive and highly sensitive to business cycle. In Pakistan it is facing increasingly deregulated environment and hence highly competitive background. Then, there is a company analysis. PIA operates a fleet of 24 aircrafts which cover 24 domestic and 38 international destinations across 27 countries. There are maps in the report that shows these routes. In the economic analysis of PIA, first of all we have mentioned in detail the factors affecting the airline industry. Most important of which is fluctuating oil prices and poor law and order situations in the country. It is also becoming more and more difficult for Pakistani nationals to get visa because of increasing terrorism in Pakistan. Depreciation of rupee against dollar is another reason affecting Pakistan’s airline industry. Pricing of tickets for domestic routes is decided by Government of Pakistan while for International routes are set by IATA. There is a SWOT analysis of PIA which shows all its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by it. Passenger growth and revenue and cost composition of PIA is also shown in the report with the help of graphs. The most important threat is that of rising oil prices. In 2011 PIA suffered a great loss because oil prices rose to as high as $110/barrel. In 2012, it is expected to rise even further. Then there are some graphs showing national and international capacities. Capacity and utilization are also compared. Capacity is measured by load factor. Most of Pakistan’s international capacity is deployed to Middle East. Overall capacity of both cargo and passengers is expected to grow in 2012. PIA has a total of 18500 employees. Employee per plane ratio is 450 in PIA as compared to 225 in other airlines. This overstaffing is a major weakness of PIA. Still, market share of PIA is quite high in Pakistan as compared to other carriers because it has an advantage of being Government owned. Net loss is very high mainly because of high fuel prices and overstaffing. Total accumulated loss is very high which leads to negative equity. All other ratios are also analysed which are not good as compared to industry average. In financial analysis part, liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, debt management ratios and profitability ratios for the previous 5 years have been calculated and compared with the industry average. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NBS, National University of Sciences & Technology en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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