Disasters are increasing worldwide with devastating effects than ever. Hospitals are
symbols of social wellbeing which need to be functional and operational as demand for
health services also increases in disasters. Disasters occurring within hospitals
debilitating their capabilities are known as INTERNAL DISASTERS e.g. structural
instability, fire, floods, power failures, radiation and toxic hazards etc. Resilient health
facility should be able to continue functioning and delivering health services during
internal disasters while rebuilding its own damages. Pakistan is a disaster-prone country
that keeps on experiencing natural and man-made catastrophes. Disasters have
consistently been a part of life and have influenced at least 800 million individuals
around the world over the last two decades, causing a large number of deaths and
financial misfortunes. The objectives of the study was to determine the existing hospital
readiness and preparedness of tertiary care hospitals and provide viable
recommendations for improvement.