Pakistan is prone to both natural& human induced disasters for reasons varying from topography to population density and poverty. Disaster management in the country has historically been reactive rather than proactive. This study has been undertaken by Military College of Engineering with a purpose to develop a situation analysis of CBDRM in district Swat of KP. For this purpose, tools were developed i.e. questionnaire and checklist, that were used for data collection from various stakeholders (PDMA, P&DD, DDMU, N/INGOs i.e. IDEA, CARE International and DRR Forum) at Swat. FGDs were carried out with communities and group of students at different localities of the targeted Union Councils. The UNISDR Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LG-SAT) comprises of 10 essential parameters which relate to the five priorities of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 was used to analyze the DRM situation in Community. The findings are that there is less awareness about the hazards, disaster impacts, ways to reduce risks and mitigate.