The global climatic change is not a recent phenomenon and the countries around the world in the northern and southern hemispheres have equally faced increased and incessant natural disasters since quite some time. The unprecedentant scale of damages have compelled the world to view this catastrophic situation with concern. The recurrent impact of the natural disasters have finally convinced these countries to not only seek international assistance but work with renewed spirit to uplift the morale of the communities and build a strong liaison in order to find a collective solution to the harmful affects of the disasters. Disasters are increasing around the globe with unprecedented scale primarily due to climate change and the risks and damages associated with these disasters follow the same pattern. Countries around the globe are focusing to minimize the impacts of natural disasters and increase the capacities of the effected countries, systems and community to withstand the disaster impacts to achieve the resilience at the local levels (Ainuddin et.al 2012). These disasters were regarded as acts of Gods in the past but today they are considered as unsolved problems of development.