Floods are the most devastating and frequently occurring natural hazard and pose serious risk to human lives, properties and infrastructure. In 2010 Pakistan experienced unprecedented flooding of its history. The city of Noshera and surrounding areas adjacent to Kabul river were severely affected by these floods. As it is not humanly possible to control this natural hazard, it is important to focus on reducing its impacts by better understanding flood related phenomena's. The objective of this study was to determine design discharge for 100 and 200 year return period using flood frequency analysis and develop flood inundation and velocity model for flood 2010 in HEC-RAS. The model was calibrated and validated with satellite imagery of flood event and based on calibrated model flood depth and velocity for 100 and 200 year return period was determined. In the final step result of HEC-RAS was integrated to determine flood hazard and flood risk of the study area. The result shows that built-up areas , roads and railway line adjacent to Kabul river are under high risk of flooding. Agriculture is mainly located in the moderate and significant risk zones. Use of high resolution DEM, surveyed cross sections and dense network of gauge stations are recommended for future work.