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Application of Building Information Modeling In the Project Execution: Nowshera Medical College as a Case Study

Show simple item record Kashif Mehmood Supervisor, Dr. Hafiz Zahoor Ahmad Khan 2021-01-12T05:36:09Z 2021-01-12T05:36:09Z 2018
dc.description.abstract Without following the principles and guidelines of Construction Management, efficient designing and execution of a project becomes cumbersome. Designing of a construction project using conventional methods and techniques often leads to clashes between different stakeholders, thus resulting in delays in the project completion as well as an increase in the cost. Building information modeling (BIM) has the solution to all these problems. It can not only model, collaborate and visualize but detects the clashes and produces reliable platform for solution of these clashes well before the project execution. It also generates quantities and costs automatically. By relating Primavera with 3D model, an unparalleled control, and monitoring of project can be achieved. This study is aimed to analyse and validate the BIM effectiveness in efficient project execution in terms of time, cost and energy. Besides, changing the orthodox nature of project execution, the study would help in providing a common platform to bring the key stakeholders on one page regarding BIM induction in the construction industry of Pakistan. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Military College of Engineering Risalpur Cantt en_US
dc.subject Construction Engineering & Management en_US
dc.subject Construction Management (CM), Project Planning, Building Information Modelling (BIM), n-Dimensional Modelling, Construction Industry. en_US
dc.title Application of Building Information Modeling In the Project Execution: Nowshera Medical College as a Case Study en_US

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