Modern energy services are a powerful engine of economic and social development. On one side if it is the obligation of government to supply energy to every individual; at the same time judicial use of energy is the responsibility of every consumer. Pakistan where major proportion of power generation is dependent on fossil based thermal resources is facing a shortfall of more than 5,500 MW. Universities, as research and education centers of the world, should set positive social, environmental and economic examples for their societies to follow. This study is a fair attempt to identify energy saving potential at National University of Science & Technology (NUST) Pakistan. IESE building was considered as a model for investigating the available potential for saving energy. The areas considered were lighting, building envelops (only Windows) and CRT monitors. Tri-phosphor T5 lights were found the most suitable option to replace existing lights with saving potential of 19 MWh annually. Existing windows once replaced with double glazed uPVC windows would indirectly save 33 MWh annually whereas replacing 34 number of CRT type computer monitors with LCDs can save 11 MW. Thus a collective saving of about 64 MWh or Rs. 1.3 million and net GHG reduction of 26.5 tCO2 annually, with total investment of Rs. 8.1 million and payback period of 6.3 years.