The work presented in this thesis is focused on various smoke producing compositions and their ingredients. A lot of work has already been done on smoke producing pyrotechnic compositions but the smokes produced are generally effective in the visible part of spectrum only. With the recent advancements in tracking and target acquisition means, there is a concurrent rise in the demand of smoke compositions which can provide obscurity in the Infrared region of the spectrum to develop an effective defense against such means. Modern battle tanks, Armored Person Carriers (APCs), shoulder fired missiles/rockets and individual small arm weapons have all been equipped with Infrared sights, Night vision sights and thermal imagers which can catch the infrared target signatures and track it for an effective engagement thereby increasing vulnerability in the battlefield. Visibility has increased to manifold in the modern battlegrounds.
Initial part of the thesis focuses on understanding the chemistry and mechanics of smoke production, smoke delivery means and the art / tactics of the use of obscuring smoke in different operations of war to obscure own assets and movements from enemy. In the same sequel, effects of various significant factors which effect the smoke production and its subsequent deployment have also been discussed precisely. A small account on the infrared spectrum and its signature characteristics with special reference to its military and security uses has also been given for an overall understanding of different dimensions of research work.
In the core research work, various sample smoke compositions have been selected and tested for their effectiveness in providing obscuration in infrared region (especially near and far infrared regions) through thermal imaging means. The experimentation is based on the smoke production and observation of infrared signatures of an infrared source across the target smoke screens. Progressive attenuation of the Infrared signatures of the source have been noted through thermal imaging techniques and proportional temperature readings have also been taken, analyzed and matched with ambient and initial values to draw relative inferences.
Precisely, the research work presented in this thesis focuses on new avenues for infrared obscuring smoke production through a variety of pyrotechnic compositions. The tested / developed smoke compositions along with recommended additives can subsequently be converted into weapon grade / specific compositions for successful deployment in the battle field through various munitions