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Cellular Light Weight Concrete Using Waste Materials

Show simple item record Abdul Rehman Tariq Lt Col Muhammad Maqbool Sadiq Awan, Supervisor 2021-01-22T05:12:52Z 2021-01-22T05:12:52Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Cellular Light weight Concrete (CLWC) is not a new invention in concrete world. It has been known since ancient times. It was made using natural aggregates of volcanic origin such as pumice, scoria, etc. The Greeks and the Romans used pumice in building construction. Lightweight concrete or cellular concrete is such a concrete which includes a foaming agent in that makes the concrete lighter by increasing the volume. It reduces dead weight. Foam concrete (cellular lightweight concrete) is a lightweight building material combining good mechanical strength with low thermal conductivity and ease of working. It is a low density hardened Portland cement paste or mortar, containing a large number of small bubbles of air which gives it a fine cellular structure. In recent years it has been used in certain parts of Europe, Asia, America and Africa to reduce the weight and improve the insulating properties of precast concrete building units. In upcoming years there has been an increasing worldwide demand for the construction of buildings, roads and an airfield which has mitigate the raw material in concrete like aggregate.Therefore a new direction towards Cellular Lightweight Concrete in building and civil engineering construction is used. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Military College of Engineering en_US
dc.subject Light Weight Concrete en_US
dc.title Cellular Light Weight Concrete Using Waste Materials en_US

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