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URL Based Phishing Detection Using a Hybrid Approach

Show simple item record Muhammad Salman 2021-01-26T11:31:49Z 2021-01-26T11:31:49Z 2017
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Usman Qamar en_US
dc.description.abstract Since the last decade, the traditional approach of physical business has changed to modern online business approach quite rapidly. The online businesses are accompanied by the online money transactions which exploited by the scammers led to a new type of online scam called phishing. In phishing what a scammer does is he creates a fake web page a visual replica of the original business web page to deceive the user/customer to input their credentials/personal information and in turn this credentials/personal information is then used by the scammer to perform fake money or business transactions. Here we have proposed an approach which combines the Blacklist-Based approach with the Heuristic-Based approach for phishing detection. In the first part of our approach the heuristic-based approach is used to generate rules that are then fed to the second part where based on these rules and the blacklist-based approach the phish is identified. Our approach outperforms the previous approach in terms of better accuracy in the detection of the phishing en_US
dc.publisher CEME, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Blacklist-based Phishing Detection, URL Based Phish Detection, Hybrid approach en_US
dc.title URL Based Phishing Detection Using a Hybrid Approach en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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