From previous researches, it has been observed that buildings are the prime consumer of world’s fresh water and energy. The way buildings are designed and constructed today has immense direct and indirect impact on the environment. Perceiving the worldwide impact of buildings and their construction on the environment; international governments and civil society organizations have been investigating approaches to accomplish greater sustainability of the built environment. This made the movement of green building start that also provoked the creation of green building standard, certification and rating systems. This study reviews the evolution of green building concept at national and global level. But, despite the numerous benefits of green building, this approach came across number of issues influencing its widespread adoption in developing as well as in developed countries. This study aims to investigate the potential barriers inhibiting the adoption of green building in Pakistan and important measures needed to promote green building adoption. These barriers and measures were identified and examined by using a combination of research methods, literature review, questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with the practitioners working in Pakistan construction industry. Ranking technique and factor analysis were used to identify the significant issues associated with the adoption of green building practices. On the basis of data analysis, framework is developed to promote green building approach in the local context. The findings of this study are expected to contribute valuable information to policy-makers for better understanding of key issues that need more attention. The results are based on the perception of local stakeholders, but might also be helpful for policy makers in other countries.