Public spaces are the most important spaces of the city from the economic and social point of view. They are less focused in the planning practices of Pakistan. Urbanity is the new concept; it has been in discussions for last two decades. The urbanity mainly focuses on the interactions of people and built environment and also on amalgamation of different factors that make up the image and character of the city through public spaces. . The city of Peshawar that was once called “the city of gardens” now thrives for the positive identity and image. The spaces that were used by the large demographics are now barely in use. On the other hand large commercial developments are taking place and less focus is given to making them user friendly and accessible to all the portions of the demographics. This study focuses on the concept of urbanity in public spaces and the importance of public spaces, by focusing on different types of public spaces. The study first provides a theoretical framework for understanding the concept of urbanity and its importance in improving the public spaces through studying different aspects of urbanity. Secondly it focuses on the field surveys of the different types of public spaces in Peshawar city. The field survey and observatory survey are based on different dimensions of urbanity like pedestrian space/ walkability, land use, legibility and clarity, quality of public spaces, visibility and contact, green spaces and vitality and social aspect. These dimensions are further divided in indicators and those indicators are used to assess the present situation of public spaces and also public opinion regarding the public spaces. The data collected through those two surveys is further analyzed through descriptive analysis and the user satisfaction is analyzed through yeh’s index of satisfaction. The link between urbanity and sustainable development is also established
through expert opinion survey and the results from this survey are analyzed through descriptive analysis, one way ANOVA and correlation. The study concluded that the public spaces were not gender inclusive, male dominance was prominent. From all the surveys and literature it has been concluded that the city has lost its urbanity in the course of time due to increase in population and changes in the dynamics of the society and culture. Master plan of the city should be revised by the inclusion of public spaces policies and the goals and objectives of urbanity to help in achieving inclusive and sustainable public space.