By first quarter of 21st century, a large portion of population, more than two-billion-people, is expected to be living in the urban areas. This is happening because of rapid urbanization and shifting of people from rural to urban areas in quest of better facilities and job opportunities. Pakistan is one of the most urbanized country in South-Asian region. This accelerated the pace of urbanization has severe effects on urban area and causing the emergence of slums in urban fringes. Like a living organism, cell is basic unit of life; similarly neighbourhood is building block of urban fabric. Building sustainable neighbourhood is now the need of the hour. But there are bunch of hurdles in its development. This research aims to identify such barriers that were identified through extensive literature review followed by analysing the perceptions of experts from various background. Results drawn from various analysis techniques highlighted a number of barriers such as Regulatory & Policy Barriers , Lack of Social Capital & Sustainable Infrastructure, Inexperienced Professionals & Lack of Public Participation and Weak Industry / Professional – Academia Linkage were main domains where developing sustainable neighbourhood sees it course, also Lack of Public Awareness is highlighted in collected data. Based on results, a framework has been made and tasks has been assigned that needs to be done in various domains. Thus, there is a dire need to rationalize the policies at national and local level that encourage the development of sustainable neighbourhoods. Creating sustainable neighbourhoods would ultimately have positive effects liveability that will lead to making them sustainable.