Bus rapid transit (BRT) grows in popularity in Pakistan in recent years. It is pretty advanced and cost-effective transportation system which is used in the world due to its high speed and low cost. Rawalpindi Metro Bus Transit was implemented in 2015 which connects Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Different researchers have reported mixed impacts of BRT on adjacent communities and businesses around the world. The Socioeconomic impacts of Rawalpindi Metro is very important issue for the people residing along the metro corridors. However, no such research, highlighting the socioeconomic and physical impacts of BRT, is available in the context of Pakistan. Thus, the main objective of the study was to evaluate social, economic and physical impacts of BRT before and after its construction on adjacent communities and businesses. Study was conducted through questionnaire survey with a sample size of 500 respondents. The study findings revealed that BRT has positively influenced the livelihood of people by creating jobs and other opportunities. It has reduced the level of road accidents, noise pollution and traffic congestion. Further BRT has become the favorite mode of transport for people and it has reduced the trip length and trip duration since its emergence. However, respondents have raised questions about the operational efficiency of BRT and station operations supervision. Secondly, there is limited park and ride facilities available at BRT stations along with poor feeder routes.