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An Alternative Approach towards the Analysis of Slab-Column Joint

Show simple item record Hina Mumtaz 2021-02-22T05:15:54Z 2021-02-22T05:15:54Z 2010
dc.description.abstract A proposal for determining effective concrete strength within the slab column joint when there is a considerable difference in strength of slab and column is made in this study. The concept is based on simple theory of elasticity relationships. The accuracy of the proposed method was checked by comparing calculated values with experimental data reported in previous literature and a satisfactory correlation was found. The proposed method can provide valuable insight into the behavior of slab column joint. The following expression was derived for calculating effective concrete strength of corner, edge and interior columns. Where; is a constant whose value depends upon the location of column in the structure. =0.35, 0.4, 1.00 for corner, edge and interior columns respectively. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher NICE SCEE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.title An Alternative Approach towards the Analysis of Slab-Column Joint en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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