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Nano Modified Multi-Functional Cementitions Mortar With Hybrid Intrusions Of Cnts/Gnps

Show simple item record Arslan Akbar 2021-02-24T10:47:30Z 2021-02-24T10:47:30Z 2018
dc.description.abstract With the advancement in technology, construction industry also evolved new methods to counter the problems related to fresh as well as hardened properties of cement composites. This experimental study explores the feasibility of development of hybrid nano intruded cement mortar system. The idea was to substitute high-cost Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with low cost milled graphite powder without compromising its mechanical and electrical properties. CNTs and graphite nano platelets (GNPs) in different ratios were dispersed by ultra-sonication into aqueous solution and the effect of CNT/GNP ratios on the fresh and hardened properties of cement mortar were investigated. Combination of CNTs and GNPs in a ratio of 8:1 (C1G0.125) was observed to synergistically enhance the compressive strength and flexural strength by 46.5% and 124.7% compared to control formulation with acacia gum (CS-AG).Similarly 74.8% of early age shrinkage arrest and 11% better resistance against external sulphate attack was observed. Furthermore decrease in 48.3% of electrical resistivity was also recorded in case of C1G0.125. Study of external morphology of hydrated products and their interaction with nanoparticles using Field emission scanning electron microscopy confirmed crack bridging, crack divergence and pull-out behaviour by nano particles. Key Words: Hybrid Nano Intrusions, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphite Nano Platelets, Cement Mortar, Mechanical Properties, Sulphate Attack, Electrical Resistivity en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher NICE SCEE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.title Nano Modified Multi-Functional Cementitions Mortar With Hybrid Intrusions Of Cnts/Gnps en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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