This study is related to Image segmentation and region selection which plays an important
role in the fields of medical imaging, object recognition, and computer vision. We
are specifically interested in Vertebra segmentation and localization from X-ray images.
A reliable identification and Segmentation of vertebras are necessary because of neurological
and oncological applications. In the context of robotic surgery, correct knowledge
extraction is necessary about the shape and Individual positions of vertebras. Although
different vertebras show different characteristics, neighboring vertebras are typically
very similar so the task of automatic identification and segmentation is difficult. In
these days, medical image processing has become a necessary step in diagnosing and
identifying problems that are diagnosed with the help of X-ray, CT, and MR. Medical
image processing facilitates medical professionals in accurately diagnosing the problem
and proposing its treatment. As medical imaging offers additional information about
the patient, thus it becomes more important in medical treatment. For automated vertebra
assessment system, it is essential to segment and extract vertebras from the x-ray.
The focus of this study is on semi-automated vertebra identification and segmentation.
X-ray images are high noise and poor contrast images so this is a challenging task. In
this method, we have calculated a mean model by using vertebras of different shapes and
angles this mean model is required for identification and segmentation. The selection
of an area of interest can be automatic by using a mask or manual during the process.
The localization process use Generalized Hough transform is to identify the template
image in the X-ray, specifically, it identifies the most likely area of the template in form
of points. Further processing is required for identification and segmentation of multiple
vertebras. These points are then clustered into the desired number of clusters, we are
using fuzzy c mean clustering for this step. Fuzzy c mean will give us centroid and then
we will calculate intervertebral points. To make separate regions affine transform is used
on these points. The dataset NHANES II is used during experimentations in this study
is real world standardizes dataset.