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Profiling Tool for MPJ Express

Show simple item record Ahmad Ali Gul 2021-06-25T10:50:18Z 2021-06-25T10:50:18Z 2009
dc.description Mr. Ali Sajjad en_US
dc.description.abstract High performance parallel computing is still in its stage of maturity, and writing parallel programs is much harder and counter-intuitive to long held programming conventions. Due to the multitude of programming challenges on parallel platforms, every parallel framework must have its own tools to help the programmers debug and analyze performance. MPI has been largely embraced by the HPC community and has adopted its implementation in the C and Fortran. The Usefulness and life of the parallel programs now depends on portability as well as high performance. MPJ Express is the implementation of MPI based high performance and portable communication library in Java language in an attempt to cater to both. MPJ Express is the implementation of MPI based messaging system in Java language. Therefore it is essential that such performance tools should exist for users planning to work on MPJ Express. This project aims at creating a profiling and tracing tool for MPJ Express. While developing tracing, profiling tools for MPJ Express we also need to take account of existing tools for logging and visualization and ensure compatibility. MPE (MPI Processing Environment) is the MPI logging and visualization toolset packaged with MPICH2. The project aims at generating trace-files in a format (CLOG-2) that is compatible with MPE. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Information Technology en_US
dc.title Profiling Tool for MPJ Express en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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