intelliView is a recommender system that suggests TV programs to viewer based on
his/her explicit and implicit profiles. This recommender system takes video stream from different
Web TV channels and maintains a database of TV programs by scraping program listing from
these channels. It manages viewer’s explicit profile by storing programs’ wish list and the
implicit profile is created while a viewer watches different types of programs on different
timings at different channels. This viewing history in combination with explicit profile is used to
recommend programs to the viewer.
The recommendation technique used for implementing this system is content-based text
categorization strategy. In this technique thousands of feature like words or phrases in the
program lists are used to generate programs profile. Later user profile, based on tracking viewing
history and explicit wish list, is matched against this programs profile to suggest best match. The
technologies used for implementation of the algorithms and user interface are J2EE 2.0, JSF and
JDBC 2.0.