Structurally induced turbulence in a fast-rotating gas was investigated by a CFD method. Turbulence induced in the flow field due to the interaction of fast rotating gas with collection structures was modeled with Reynold stress model (RSM). Finite volume method (FVM) with second order upwind scheme was used to solve the 3D Navier-Stroke’s equation. Knudsen boundary was used to limit the computational domain in Iguassu Model. Effect of Multiple outlets and cylinder temperature gradient was also investigated. Simulation results showed the generation of three-dimensional shock waves propagating in axial direction along cylinder length. Wave intensity was increased, as the diameter of collection structure was increased. A radially inward flow was induced due to imbalance in pressure gradient and centrifugal force caused by the interaction of gas with collection structure. This inward flow significantly increased the countercurrent in axial direction. In case of two outlets, shielding baffle significantly decrease the turbulence effect due to one outlet in main chamber. Turbulence effect increases as the collection structure moves towards the cylinder wall. Countercurrent is also increased as a temperature gradient is applied on the cylinder wall. Increase in temperature gradient significantly increases the countercurrent.