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Development of IOT Based Prototype for Enhanced Scheduling and Inventory Management Using 6D BIM

Show simple item record Danyal Ahmed Saqlain Khan Rasif Ali Khan Sameer Ahmed Supervisor Dr. Rai Waqas Azfar Khan 2021-08-10T07:19:49Z 2021-08-10T07:19:49Z 2021
dc.description.abstract Construction industry in the world face many problems regarding the inventory management of materials as material are the key elements of construction project. Manual monitoring of material stock is unreliable traditional method where we have inaccurate data and causes delay in project as well as economic deficiency because you don’t know how much material is been used for a particular for this purpose we developed a prototype within the BIM environment to migitate the problem of cost overrun and inventory management system. BIM is basically a digital description of activates progress. So BIM inventory monitor plugin (BIMS) was developed for real time monitoring of unconfined material i.e cement, sand and aggregate. The plugin was developed using a commonly used programming language C#, integrated with Autodesk Navisworks 2017 API. BIM software have open API where you can extend the functionality of BIM usage. However, for tracking of real time data, a sensors prototype based on weight sensors was developed to capture real time data and also add the function of record management system for future investigation. Also we can check the material stock for upcoming activities as well foresee the timely order of materials. . Before development of plugin, expert’s opinion were taken regarding its functionality and implementation in the market Further limitations, and future recommendation are highlighted. en_US
dc.publisher Military College of Engineering Risalpur (NUST) Cantt en_US
dc.subject Construction Engineering & Management en_US
dc.title Development of IOT Based Prototype for Enhanced Scheduling and Inventory Management Using 6D BIM en_US

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