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Modeling and Simulation of the Fuel Injection Process in an Engine

Show simple item record Nouman, Mian 2021-09-06T11:31:29Z 2021-09-06T11:31:29Z 2021-04
dc.description Supervisor Name: Dr. Muhammad Ahsan
dc.description.abstract The low efficiency of the internal combustion engine has always been a virulent issue. Researches are being carried out for decades to improve efficiency and eliminate consequent problems. This study focuses on using computational fluid dynamics to analyze the effect of inlet valve geometry and Spray angle on internal combustion engines' performance. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis considers snapshots of fuel flow in internal combustion at critical points. Combustion efficiency is affected by phenomena like swirl and tumble. CFD analysis is used to study these phenomena. It considers the role of intake port geometry and sprays angles in creating squish and swirl. Phenomena like swirl and tumble are vital to combustion of fuel, increasing the efficiency of combustion and engine overall performance. In the study, CFD is being utilized to verify an experimental study with ANSYS fluent solver. The results are being compared to the experimental values of the previous study. The information predicted by Fluent is being discussed. This study analyzes the variation of flow parameters like pressure, temperature, and velocity using the finite volume method (FVM) solver with the standard k-ε turbulence model in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with different spray angles. Geometry has been designed using Design Modeler and CFD analysis of injection has been carried out using ANSYS Fluent. Four different cases were applied to all the designs to investigate the performance. Based on the standard performance parameters available in the literature, Parameters with better performance were selected. The best design was further validated with the existing design in the literature by giving the same boundary conditions. This study's design has shown better performance in all parameters than the design available in the literature en_US
dc.publisher SCME NUST en_US
dc.subject Modeling, Simulation, Fuel Injection, Process, Engine en_US
dc.title Modeling and Simulation of the Fuel Injection Process in an Engine en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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