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Development of 5D Building Information Modeling Training Materials

Show simple item record Ahmed Muhammad Muazam Farooq Fateen Mustafa Rana Haider Inam naseer Supervisor Dr Khawaja Mateen 2021-09-07T09:15:56Z 2021-09-07T09:15:56Z 2021
dc.description.abstract We live in a developing nation, which is excelling day by day with the advent of new buildings and infrastructure. The construction sector – considered as the backbone of a nation in its economy, is appraised with loads of responsibilities. There are numerous factors which contribute to a well finished building which includes its design specifications, strong grip on software, structural reinforcements and MEP work, cost estimation and material take off, etc. Previously in the old software like AutoCAD it used to happen that 3D model based on the architectural work with old specifications could be designed. But with the advent of BIM, software like Autodesk Revit and Navisworks has enabled a new way forward packed with upgradation and advancements. In addition to that, BIM has started from 3D and continued to 5D ,6D and 7D enabling the users, stakeholders, and owners with the environment and facility of construction model designing and simulation. Therefore, to converge all these dimensions in one environment it is necessary for us to take advantage of BIM. Based on the requirement and need of the users and designers the technology of BIM can help in constructing a model with all the major and minor details required during the real construction. Hence based on our final year project, we have worked on the 5 dimensions of BIM technology which includes a 3D entire complete model with all its architectural, structural, and MEP work. Started from the scratch, we have completed our model based on all the possible and maximum components and features. This is a four-storey mixed used building which has all the properties required for the learning of construction modelling. The continuation of 4D and 5D have led us to the cost estimation and the material take off for the model made in project. This digital simulation of the model is presented in a way that a step-by-step construction and modelling is easily understandable. We have taken help of the main BIM software which is Autodesk Rivet and Navisworks. This software is considered vital in playing role for building information modelling. This model has a significance in its way that it provides a basic model for the understanding of all these architectural, structural, and MEP work that it provides you a go ahead for the better learning of BIM. All the details and features are so understandable that a layman or a new learner can start off with this modelling without feeling any hesitation and panic. The entirety of the model has a purpose for the learners and beginners. All the working of five dimensions of BIM, have been explained and demonstrated with the help of training manuals and video tutorials. The set of information and the learning guide can prove itself to be a source of guidance for all the new learners of BIM environment and software. We have contributed our project to the society of new learners who can easily access our training guides which have been made in two different formats and if done with bit-by-bit instructions can lead the individual the strong grip on this software. A project can be innovative or experimental, but in our case, our main concern was to highlight the importance and significance of BIM. The AEC department is looking forward to the BIM technology, therefore, to excel in the field of construction, it is necessary to have a strong grip and command over this software. The training manuals and the video tutorials of the project are basically the head start for the young generation and the new learners to get a handy guidance which would help them get the know-how of the software which plays a vital role in the construction field nowadays. In this modern era, it is a requirement that designing and modelling play a major role in the field of civil engineering. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Military College of Engineering (NUST) Risalpur Cantt en_US
dc.subject Construction Engineering & Management en_US
dc.title Development of 5D Building Information Modeling Training Materials en_US

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