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Flavour Changing Charged Current Within and Beyond the Standard Model

Show simple item record Ashraf, Rahat 2021-09-15T05:19:42Z 2021-09-15T05:19:42Z 2021-05-31
dc.description Supervised By Dr Muhammad Ali Paracha en_US
dc.description.abstract We study B ! D and B ! D flavour changing charged current decay processes. These processes are interesting due to having persistent anomalies, RD and RD , first reported by Belle in 2007 and later by the different experiment like LHCb, Belle and BABAR. These anomalies hint physics beyond-the-Standard Model that is commonly named as new physics. For theoretical framework to study these transitions, for all possible dimension-six operators including new physics in model independent way, we write a low-energy effective Hamiltonian. We used the Wilson coefficients that are obtained from a numerical fit to all existing data to predict our observables. For numerical predictions we used HQET form factors for both transitions. We focus on B ! D decay that provides interesting angular observables due to cascade decay of D ! D . Within and beyond the standard model our findings match with the known results in model independent way for angular observables. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher School Of Natural Sciences National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan en_US
dc.subject Flavour Changing Charged Current Within Beyond Standard Model en_US
dc.title Flavour Changing Charged Current Within and Beyond the Standard Model en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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