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Developing a Cyber Physical System to Automate and Improve Site Monitoring Activity

Show simple item record Zulfiqar, Usama 2021-09-16T10:44:17Z 2021-09-16T10:44:17Z 2021
dc.description.abstract Site monitoring is paramount to the successful execution of any Construction Project. Despite holding such importance in project management site monitoring method are archaic relying on a traditional pen and paper reporting system which is not only inefficient and vulnerable to flaws but also slow. With the requirement of business to grow faster, the construction industry is required to expedite its ability to complete projects whilst staying under the budget and time schedule. The slow outflow of information and relatively weak communication hampers severely the pace of construction projects despite new technologies which speed up the construction time We plan to introduce an automated site monitoring system which will provide Project Managers real time information about the status of their site and enable them to make better and informed decision all from behind a screen. Not only will this eliminate a huge barrier in communication but also empower site engineers to focus more towards the execution of their projects while keeping the project managers UpToDate. Our proposed system will also allow construction manager insight on their projects which would allow them to choose the next possible move for a successful project execution. en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title Developing a Cyber Physical System to Automate and Improve Site Monitoring Activity en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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