The construction industry being one of the largest and most profitable industries globally faces
several problems. The main problems from which the construction projects suffer are cost,
duration and quality of the construction. Cost, duration and quality mainly depend on the labor
productivity. Several factors are involved in determining the efficiency of labor. Therefore,
many researchers and experts have done research on the factors that are linked with the
productivity of labors. But challenges and difficulties related to labor productivity still exist.
The aim of carrying out this study is to identify the factors that affect the labor productivity in
the construction industry and to determine the co-relation among the identified factors. To
identify the factors affecting productivity, literature review was done in which more than 100
factors from several research papers were identified and were arranged based on Relative
Importance Index (RII). Also, VosViewer was used in literature review to explore the topics
of construction productivity that are being researched. 30 factors remained when pilot study
was conducted with the help of experienced professionals. The questionnaire survey was then
floated online and responses were collected. Stata and SPSS software were used to perform
statistical analysis in order to determine the co-variance among the 30 identified factors. The
results of the analysis provided 13 most influencing factors that were divided into three groups
named as Consultant/Supervisor related factors, Human Resource (HR) related factors and
Material, equipment and project related factors.
Based on this research, some recommendations have been proposed to improve the productivity
in the construction industry. This research and its recommendations can be used by project
managers, contractors, consultants and supervisors in Pakistan as well as in the countries that
possess similar work environment as of Pakistan for enhancing the construction productivity.