It is perceived that the addition of nanoparticles has increased the heat transfer ca-
pabilities of ordinary uids signi cantly for both turbulent and laminar ow regimes.
This dissertation analyzes the e ects of two di erent types carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
on ow and heat transfer characteristics of viscous uid between two concentric cylin-
ders in the presence of thermal radiation e ects. The ow of MHD viscous uid in a
Darcy type porous medium is driven by the pressure gradient, assumed as a periodic
function of time. The uid is taken as optically thick and radiations can travel only
a short distance within the uid. The magnetic eld is applied perpendicular to the
direction of ow and the induced magnetic eld is considered negligible. The conven-
tional governing equations are based upon partial di erential equations a ected by the
viscosity of the base uid, e ective thermal conductivity, and thermophysical charac-
teristics of CNTs nanoparticles. The exact solutions are obtained in the form of the
modi ed Bessel functions of the rst and second kind. The e ect of the ow control
parameters like thermal radiation parameter Nr, nanoparticles volume fraction , and
Darcy number Da are illustrated through graphs. Based on a comprehensive analysis,
it is concluded that the addition of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) pro-
vides higher velocity and temperature distribution of nano uid when compared with
the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).