dc.description.abstract |
In design practice, seismic design of buildings is carried out considering
single site specific earthquake, assuming an initially undamaged building
condition. However, in real time scenario, earthquakes occur in sequence causing
accumulative damage to affected structures. This damage accumulation in
structural systems increases level of degradation in stiffness and strength. Present
code based design provisions lacks the damage accumulation features to account
for stiffness and strength degradation resulting from repeated earthquake loading.
On the other hand, existing Seismic design codes are based on the elastic
structural behavior and nonlinearity in behavior is incorporated indirectly through
coefficients given is design code e.g. response modification factor, R. Therefore,
the structures designed on this basis may experience undesirable inelastic
deformation during severe earthquakes. Since Pakistan is located in seismically
active region; therefore, response of existing buildings conforming building code
of Pakistan 2007 (BCP 2007) needs immediate re-evaluation considering
Mainshock-aftershock. The objective of this study is to conduct detailed nonlinear
seismic performance assessment of typical low to Mid-rise RC frame structures
conforming existing code of practice in Pakistan considering repeated
earthquakes. For this purpose, nonlinear model has been made on FEM analysis
based software (PERFORM 3D) to capture damage accumulation. The seismic
performance of one real building along with generalized structures is evaluated in
terms of key engineering demand parameters inter-story drift, displacement time
history and inelastic dissipated energy at structural level. The performance at
component level is evaluated in terms of concrete compression strains and steel
yielding. This seismic evaluation is performed for single-earthquake and multiple-
earthquake scenarios. Earthquakes are selected considering ground motion
parameters for Islamabad. These ground motions are further scaled to two hazard
levels namely, DBE and MCE. Evaluation of results for response against
mainshock-aftershock sequences show that IDR, Inelastic dissipated energy and
damage at component level increases with increase in building height but this
impact is sensitive to selection of earthquake time histories.
Keywords: Repeated Earthquakes, Aftershocks, Pakistan, Mid-rise RC Buildings,
Nonlinear time history analysis |
en_US |