This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part describes the work on magnetohydrodynamics
boundary layer flow past a non-linear stretching surface in the presence of variable
fluid characteristics. The second part is associated with the study of unsteady magnetohydrodynamics
(MHD) stagnation point flow of bio-nanofluid near a shrinking/stretching surface.
We use the relevant similarity transformation to convert the partial differential equations
(PDEs) of the concerned problem into ordinary differential equation (ODEs). The shooting
method has been used to obtain the numerical results of reduced coupled ODEs of the concerned
problem. The acquired results from shooting method are compared with the bvp4c
MATLAB solver. We also present a new numerical technique, namely, simplified finite difference
method (SFDM) in our study and present some useful results by using it. Graphs
are plotted to perceive the influence of several pertinent parameters on the fluid flow field
while considering constant and variable fluid properties together. The current analysis of the
first part describes the boundary layer flow with variable liquid properties past a non-linear
stretching surface. Most of the studies were given on constant fluid properties. Whereas very
few discuss the variable fluid properties in their study. To bridge this gap between constant
and variable liquid properties. The comparison of constant and variable fluid characteristics
is made in our study. The obtained results of constant and variable fluid properties are compared
through graphs and tables. It is determined that the obtained results are different for
variable and constant fluid characteristics. The heat and mass transfer rates in constant fluid
properties are higher than the variable fluid properties. The wall resistance coefficient rises
for changeable liquid characteristics when compare to constant liquid characteristics. It is also
noted that width of boundary layer in Case B (variable fluid properties) is different compared
to Case A (constant fluid properties). In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the unsteady MHD stagnation point bio-nanofluid flow past a shrinking/stretching surface. The
flow modeled PDEs are first reduced to non-linear coupled ODEs by appropriate transformation.
The numerical outcomes of the reduced coupled ODEs are obtained through shooting
and bvp4c method. We noticed an excellent resemblance between the present numerical results
and the published results in the literature. It is found that boundary layer thickness is
different in stretching sheet case when compared to shrinking sheet case also density of motile
microorganism declines for raising values of Nb, Lb and Pe.