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Privacy Preservation in E-Healthcare Systems using Blockchain

Show simple item record Naveed, Nigam Supervised by Dr Fawad Khan. 2021-10-23T09:26:31Z 2021-10-23T09:26:31Z 2021-09
dc.identifier.other TIS-327
dc.identifier.other MSIS-16
dc.description.abstract An individual's all health-related data is stored in an electronic health record system (EHR system). The EHR system facilitates the data owner to control and share his or her information with specific people. Because of the fatal consequences of inaccurate data, the tamper resistance feature is critical for the EHR system. The immutability and irreversibility qualities of blockchain technology make it a potential solution. This research proposes an EHR model based on Hyperledger fabric blockchain. For providing tamper-resistant feature, the suggested framework is proposed using blockchain technology. To protect privacy, proxy re-encryption is used. Hyperledger fabric has been selected for this research. To run Hyperledger fabric, AstraKode blockchain is used as previous composer (Hyperledger composer), used to run the fabric, has been deprecated. A detailed security analysis is done to show that the proposed model is secure for privacy, and it also provides tamper resistance feature. Performance analysis of proxy re-encryption has also been observed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Privacy Preservation in E-Healthcare Systems using Blockchain en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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