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Parental Involvement in Career Planning Activities and Its Influence On Students’ Perceptions About Parent Career Behavior and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy

Show simple item record Raza Cheema, Noor 2021-11-02T11:48:27Z 2021-11-02T11:48:27Z 2017
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Gulnaz Zahid en_US
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the research study was to investigate the role of parental involvement in career planning activities and its impact on high school students’ perceptions about parent career behavior and students’ career decision-making self-efficacy. The study objectives were to investigate the relationship between parental involvement in high schools career planning activities, high school students’ perceptions about parent career behavior and high school students’ career decision-making self-efficacy, to examine the impact of parental involvement in high schools career planning activities on high school students’ perceptions about parent career behavior and high school students’ career decision-making self-efficacy, to compare the responses of boys and girls on Parent Career Behavior Checklist and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy and to compare the responses of fathers and mothers on Parental Involvement in Career Planning Activities. Random sampling technique was used to determine the study sample. The study sample comprised of 300 second year A-level students enrolled in private high schools of Islamabad and 300 mothers and 300 fathers. Parent Involvement Activities in Student Career Development Survey, Parent Career Behavior Checklist (PCB) and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale – Short Form (CDMSES-SF) were employed in the study. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS XXIII. Statistical procedures like t-test, product- moment coefficient of correlation and regression were used for data analysis. Results indicated that there was a weak and significant positive relationship of parental involvement in high schools’ career planning activities with students’ perceptions about parent career behavior. These findings were same when data was analyzed for mothers (r=0.21) and fathers (r=0.22). There was a weak and significant positive relationship of parental involvement in high schools’ career planning activities and students’ career decision-making self-efficacy. These findings were same when data were analyzed for mothers (r=0.36) and fathers (r=0.31). A moderate and significant positive relationship was indicated between high school students’ perceptions about parent career behavior and their career decision-making self-efficacy (r=0.38). It was determined that parental involvement in career planning activities has a significant impact on students’ perceptions about parent career behavior. The findings were same when data were analyzed for mothers (β=.13) and fathers (β=.15). It was determined that parental vii involvement in career planning activities has a significant impact on students’ career decision-making self-efficacy. The findings were same when data were analyzed for mothers (β=.27) and fathers (β=.17). It was indicated that students’ perceptions about parent career behavior have a significant impact on students’ career decision-making self-efficacy (β=.38). The difference between boys and girls on PCB (t=.77) was found nonsignificant. The difference between boys and girls on CDMSE-SF (t=.75) was found nonsignificant. There was no significant difference between fathers and mothers on Parent Involvement Activities in Student Career Development (t=.08). Findings of the study draw recommendations for students, parents, counselors, teachers and high school administration accordingly. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher S3H-NUST en_US
dc.subject Career Planning Activities , Perceptions About Parent Career Behavior , Decision-Making Self-Efficacy en_US
dc.title Parental Involvement in Career Planning Activities and Its Influence On Students’ Perceptions About Parent Career Behavior and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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