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Quantum modification of dust shear Alfven waves in plasmas

Show simple item record Mughal, Faryal 2021-11-23T06:31:51Z 2021-11-23T06:31:51Z 2021-02-01
dc.description.abstract Interest in quantum plasma has been developed due to its applications in ultra-small electronic devices, laser-plasma, and dense astrophysical plasmas. Vast research has been done in Quantum plasmas with high densities and low temperature but quantum effects can’t be neglected in modest density, high-temperature plasmas which we normally consider as classical plasmas. Due to a high number density in quantum plasma electron plasma frequency become extremely high and it exceeds electron collision frequency. Because of these properties, new effects are generated in a plasma. Shear Alfven Waves (low frequency, long wavelength) in quantum dusty magnetoplasma have been studied using the quantum magnetohydrodynamic model (QMHD), which considers numbers of forces like Lorentz force, Bohm potential, Quantum force etc. A modified dispersion relation for Shear Alfven waves is formed while considering electrons and ions, magnetized and electrons are also considered quantized. Dust is considered to be magnetized in the first case and unmagnetized in the second case. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Supervised by Dr. Muddasir Ali Shah en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher School Of Natural Sciences National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan en_US
dc.subject Quantum modification dust shear Alfven waves plasmas en_US
dc.title Quantum modification of dust shear Alfven waves in plasmas en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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