dc.description.abstract |
Boundary layer ows subject to heat transfer have enormous industrial and engineering
applications such as heat treatment of material travelling between a feed roll
and wind-up roll, cooling of large metallic plates, cooling towers, solar water heating,
distribution of moisture over groove elds, die forging, condensation processes, polymer
extrusion and many others. In particular the radiative heat transfer is important in solar
power technology, combustion applications such as re, furnaces, IC engines, chemical engineering
processes, various propulsion devices for aircrafts, missiles, satellites and space
vehicles etc. A literature survey witnesses that boundary layer ow problems with linear
Rosseland heat ux has been signi cantly addressed. This dissertation investigates some
fundamental ow problems with the consideration of non-linear radiative heat transfer.
Salient features a ecting such ows have also been addressed. These include magnetic
eld, buoyancy forces, convective boundary, Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion
due to nanoparticles, viscoelasticity, viscous dissipation and Joule heating. The
developed di erential system has been treated numerically through well known shooting
method with fth order Runge-Kutta integration. Numerical solutions through MATLAB
builtin routine bvp4c are also presented in some cases.
Chapter 1 includes a detailed background of the boundary layer ows over moving
or stationary surfaces and boundary layer ows of non-Newtonian uids and nano uids.
Moreover, two-dimensional boundary layer equations for generalized Newtonian (powerlaw
and Eyring-Powell uids), viscoelastic uids and nano uids have been presented.
Finally the numerical approach used in this dissertation is elaborated.
In Chapter 2, we emphasize the e ects of nonlinear radiative heat transfer on the ow
of Powell-Eyring uid induced by a non-linearly stretching sheet. The arising non-linear
problem is dealt numerically. In uences of parameters especially the radiation parameter
on the ow elds are discussed. The main frame work of this chapter is submitted for
publication in Open Physics.
Chapter 3 describes the ow of upper-convected Maxwell (UCM) uid a ected by
non-linear radiation heat transfer. UCM uid is bounded by an isothermal stretching
wall. Numerical solutions through both the shooting method and collocation method
based MATLAB package bvp4c are evaluated. Comparison of the present computations
with the previously reported results is also seen. The main ndings of this chapter
have been published in Journal of Aerospace Engineering 27 (2014) 04014015.
Stagnation-point ow of power-law uid with nonlinear radiative heat transfer is discussed
in Chapter 4. The problem is rst formulated and then investigated numerically
for several values of embedded parameters. Power-law uids of both shear-thinning and
shear-thickening nature have been studied. The contents of this chapter have been published
in International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
25 (2015). doi:10.1108.2FHFF-05-2014-0147.
Natural convective boundary layer ow of nano uid with non-linear radiative heat
ux is considered in chapter 5. The e ects of magnetic eld, Joule heating and viscous
dissipation are also incorporated. Numerical solutions are discussed with the variation of
interesting parameters. The main ideas of this study have been published in PLoS ONE
9 (2014) e103946. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103946
Two-dimensional ow of a nano uid over a convectively heated radiative surface is described
in chapter 6. Interesting aspects of Joule heating, viscous dissipation and magnetic
eld are also considered. Buongiorno's model for nano uids is utilized in the formulation.
At the end, the impact of physical parameters on the elds is sketched and analyzed. The
main observations of this study are published in Journal of the Taiwan Institute of
Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 1176-1183. doi:10.1016/j.jtice.2013.11.008
In chapter 7, the non-linear radiative heat transfer analysis has been done for a moving
electrically conducting uid over a stationary or moving at plate. Blasius and Sakiadis
ow problems are obtained as special cases of this study. The numerical method is also
able to simulate the model for both large and small values of the parameters. The graphical
results are obtained for several values of the parameters. The key results of this
chapter have been accepted for publication in International Journal of Numerical
Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow.
Non-linear thermal radiation is introduced for three-dimensional ow over a bidirectional
stretching surface in chapter 8. The two-dimensional and axisymmetric ow cases
are shown to be special cases for the model. Graphical illustrations showing the e ect of
parameters on the velocity, temperature, wall shear stress and wall heat transfer rate are
presented and discussed. The obtained numerical solutions are found in excellent agreement
with the available studies. The results of this chapter are published in Zeitschrift
Fur Naturforschung A 69 (2014) 705-713. doi:10.5560/zna.2014-0059
Chapter 9 extends the idea of chapter 8 for an exponentially stretching surface. The
exponential surface temperature distribution is considered for numerical simulations.
Graphs for velocity and temperature functions are prepared and discussed. The computational
results for wall shear stress and wall heat transfer rate are obtained. The
contents of this chapter have been published in Journal of the Taiwan Institute of
Chemical Engineers 47 (2015) 43-49. doi:10.1016/j.jtice.2014. 10.011. |
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