Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) has been identified as a key
technology for next generation cellular systems. This thesis considers a multi-cellular
system with large antenna arrays at the base station (BS) and single antenna user
terminals (UTs), operating in a time division duplex (TDD) mode, under a com posite fading-shadowing environment. In the uplink transmission, the pilot contam ination occurs as the UTs transmit pilots to their respective BSs, and the serving
BS estimates the channel state information using a minimum mean squared error
estimation. This channel information is further used to design beamforming (BF)
and regularized zero-forcing (RZF) precoders for downlink (DL) transmission. We
analyze the ergodic rates for DL transmission using different precoding schemes
and varying shadowing intensity. Next we analyze the outage probability of multi user, multi-cellular system using uplink transmission and maximum ratio combining
(MRC) receiver. It has been observed that shadowing does not average out as we
increase the number of antennas as opposed to multi-path fading, and the sever ity of shadowing badly affects the performance of massive MIMO systems. Also
probability of outage decreases as we decrease the severity of shadowing and vice