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Prediction of Shear Strength in Higher Strength Concrete Beams with Moderate Web Reinforcement

Show simple item record Ahmad, Jamil 2021-12-09T09:33:58Z 2021-12-09T09:33:58Z 2010
dc.description.abstract An experimental investigation of shear strength of high strength concrete beams with moderate web reinforcement was conducted. Tests on six beams were performed. All beams were designed in accordance with the provision of ACI 318-05. Concrete with compressive strength of 6000 to 10,000 psi was used in beam specimens. The quantity of shear reinforcement provided was greater than the minimum required by ACI 318-05. Specimens were provided shear reinforcement at 9 inch center to center. Actual shear strength of each specimen was compared with the shear strength predicted using the provisions of ACI 318-05. Several mix designs with high cement content, low water cement ratio, high quality Kiriana Hills (Sargoda) aggregates and some admixtures i.e super plasticizer and silica fumes were properly mixed, consolidated and cured to achieve high strength concrete. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title Prediction of Shear Strength in Higher Strength Concrete Beams with Moderate Web Reinforcement en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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