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Comparative Response of Latex Modified Conventional and Latex Modified Self-Compacting Concrete

Show simple item record Azam, Hamza 2021-12-09T15:34:05Z 2021-12-09T15:34:05Z 2016
dc.description.abstract Self-compacting concrete has revolutionized the construction industry and the addition of polymer to self compacting concrete (SCC) is a new area of application. In latex modified conventional and latex modified SCC the two processes of polymerization and hydration proceed simultaneously. This simultaneous progress of these two processes has not been studied in detail. The research project aimed to find out the effect of the styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) on conventional and self-compacting concretes. The normal concrete has a water-cement ratio of 0.37. 7% SBR by weight of cement based on the total solid content of the SBR was added to latex modified conventional concrete at the same water-cement ratio of 0.37. 1.8% super-plasticizer was added to latex modified SCC whereas the water-cement ratio and SBR amount were kept constant. Two types of curing methods, water curing and air curing were used. The effect of SBR was observed on the compressive strengths, flexural strengths, durability and calorimetric response of such concrete systems. The improvement in compressive and flexural strengths and durability of latex modified conventional concrete and latex modified SCC was observed. It was also noted that SBR modified conventional and self-compacting concrete yield higher compressive and flexure strengths when they are air cured. The research showed that the latex increases the durability of concrete against the attacks of acids and salts. It was observed that when concrete is treated in alkalis its weight and strength increases. The addition of SBR in normal concrete retards the hydration process but shows higher peak value than the normal concrete. The latex modified self compacting concrete has shown better durability results against the acids and salts attack which makes it feasible to be used in the environment where it is exposed to acids and salts attack. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title Comparative Response of Latex Modified Conventional and Latex Modified Self-Compacting Concrete en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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