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Seismic Performance of an RCC Frame Structure with Different Shear Wall Arrangements

Show simple item record Zia, Munib Qasim 2021-12-09T15:36:09Z 2021-12-09T15:36:09Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Since the discovery of Reinforced Concrete in 1849 by Joseph Monier, due to its flexibility, speed of construction, sustainability, accessibility of raw materials and its easiness to cast, it quickly became the first choice of building materials by the civil engineers of 19th century. Many RC structures were constructed in the Era and many more in the following centuries up to the current date. The whole world, as well as our country Pakistan, has many ancient RC structures. RC structures experience lateral loads due to wind or earthquake thus to improve their life we provide Shear Walls. In Pakistan, especially Northern area experience a number of earthquakes around the year. For that reason structures should be able to resist these lateral loads loads and get least damage during and after the incident. These walls need not only be effective, but also be economically viable. These Shear walls are generally required for medium to high rise buildings, for shorter structures these are not necessary .For effective results these walls should be provided in an symmetrical arrangement. In the first domain of the project analysis of structure under gravity loads was carried out. In the second domain of the project push over analysis, during an earthquake, was carried out and ATC 40 Capacity Spectrum were studied. The parameters of the study were Load deflection curve, Hinge formation, Spectral Acceleration, Spectral Displacement and Time Period. The research work concludes that there is an increase in the stability and stiffness due to the provision of the Shear Walls in efficient location. en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title Seismic Performance of an RCC Frame Structure with Different Shear Wall Arrangements en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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