This dissertation examines the partnering approach and its benefits through review of existing literature, and then exploring the challenges faced by the construction industry of Pakistan in implementation of partnering, so as to remove the environment of distrust, blame culture, and adversarial attitudes which are harmful for the construction industry.
To get a clear picture, the construction industry of Pakistan was thoroughly analyzed. Apart from the positive economic indicators, which are evident from the study, the construction industry was found to be very fragmented and adversarial in nature. Most of the firms have a short-term view on the business development and show little interest in enhancing long-term relationships. The contracts are generally awarded to the lowest bidders. There is a lack of accountability and an increase in subcontracting. The workforce is also not properly trained. All these problems results in projects of poor quality, cost overrun and time delays. In these circumstances, the construction industry needs to develop the culture that focuses on delivering better value projects for stakeholders. Therefore, there is a dire need of implementing the partnering concept in the construction business of Pakistan. The construction industry is also faced by numerous other challenges that is hindering its progress and keeping it behind the developed world.
A research instrument based on the model is used to survey the practices through which perceptions of the individuals were measured in the construction industry in Pakistan. The research instrument was designed based on the models presented by the researchers. The research instrument was pilot tested after discussing with the experts in the construction industry as well as Academia. To get responses, random sampling was adopted and research instrument was distributed by hand and online in Pakistan.
After thorough research, questionnaire survey analysis and interviews from professionals of construction industry, it was revealed that as partnering is generally an unfamiliar concept for Pakistan so it will face several obstructions before this idea gets finally implemented. Changing the existing organizational cultures will face tremendous opposition and convincing the top management will be a cumbersome job. Finding trust worthy partners and establishing proper communication will also require careful consideration.
The research finally concludes that the partnering concept can and will bring positive changes to the construction industry of Pakistan. It will help in the reduction of conflicts and claims with timely completion of better quality projects with in the allocated cost and an overall improvement in health and safety conditions. The development of trust amongst the stakeholders will reduce the blame culture. The workers will have the opportunity of proper training and hence an overall development of the construction industry would take place but this can only happen after successfully crossing all the obstacles in the way of partnering.