Transportation has significant and long lasting economic, social and environmental impacts, and is an important dimension of urban sustainability. Any university working towards sustainability must deal with the issue of transportation as students, staff and visitors commuting to and from campus represent one of the most important impacts a university has on the environment and society.
This project aims to facilitate the students of NUST H-12 campus Islamabad by the establishment of efficient and reliable in campus transport system i.e. CeNTS (Centralized NUST transportation system)
The project involves the transportation planning through the employment of four step modeling which will help in establishing optimized routes and ultimately decreasing headway. Along with the planning part, a user friendly mobile application will be developed which tracks the location of locomotives and feature Estimated time of arrival for different stops. It provides regularly scheduled shuttle service to and from designated stops via the campus shuttle system. Stops are conveniently located near cafeteria, academic buildings and other University facilities.
CeNTS provides an economically viable, socially acceptable and environment friendly transportation system which will reduce automobile activity and eventually carbon emissions within the campus.