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Generalized Dispersion Relation For Electron Bernstein Waves in non-Maxwellian Magnetized anisotropic Plasma

Show simple item record Yasin, Bushra 2022-01-18T06:32:16Z 2022-01-18T06:32:16Z 2021-01-02
dc.description.abstract A generalized dielectric constant for electron Bernstein waves using non-Maxwellian distribution function is derived in a collisionless, uniform magnetized plasma. Using Neumann’s series expansion for the product of Bessel’s function, we can derive the dispersion relations for both kappa distribution and generalized(r,q) distribution in a straight forward manner. The dispersion relation now become dependent on spectral indices and (r,q) for kappa and generalized (r,q) distribution respectively. Our results show how the non-Maxwellian dispersion curve deviates from the Maxwellian depending upon the values of spectral indices chosen. It may be noted that (r,q) distribution is reduced to Kappa distribution at r = 0 and q = + 1 which is further reducible to Maxwellian distribution for Ø. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Supervised by: Dr. Muddasir Ali Shah en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher School Of Natural Sciences National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan en_US
dc.subject Generalized Dispersion Relation Electron Bernstein Waves non-Maxwellian Magnetized anisotropic Plasma en_US
dc.title Generalized Dispersion Relation For Electron Bernstein Waves in non-Maxwellian Magnetized anisotropic Plasma en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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