Brick masonry is the most prevalent method of construction in all of Pakistan and almost all of South East Asia. It is also employed extensively throughout the rest of the world. Pakistan is among the most earthquake prone areas of the world. It has been seen in recent years that brick masonry construction has experienced a number of failures in facing earthquake loadings.
Confined Masonry is a form of construction employed to improve the seismic resistance of masonry structures. Masonry structures are weak to resist the out of plane forces. Out of plane forces are generally applied through perpendicular walls carrying in plane loads. The presence of confinement at such points enhances the structure’s performance. The confinement improves ductility and energy dissipation capabilities of the structures.
In this study, effect on performance of confined and unconfined structure due to irregularities, both in plan and elevation, will be studied. There are confinements provided in form of columns and beams. In order to study these effects, two 3-storey structures are analyzed on Abaqus. Both the structures are identical with the exception of one being confined. Each structure has eccentric walls as we move up the floors with openings provided for doors and windows.
The results obtained from the analysis emphasize on the importance of confinements. These results can then be used for academic purposes, as well as a basis for future research and design of confined masonry.