Internet, Computers and Mobile phones especially smartphones roll out as a lifeline of
our society since last decade with plenty of applications in business, education, gaming,
and research. However, one of the major issues faced using Internet is itslack of privacy
and security since it is still possible for an eavesdroppers/attackers to intercept
communication between users. As a result, the number of cyber crime incidents i.e.
exploiting confidentiality has increased over time. Therefore, users have become more
anxious about the security of their communication. In this regard, some users have
preferred to use private browsers for safeguarding their communication privacy. Tor
privacy browser is one of the most famous and extensively used privacy browser that
is based on The Onion Router (Tor) network to sustain anonymity over the Internet.
However, Tor browser at all times remains a major obstacle in the network centric
cybercrime investigations due to sophisticated level of anonymity provided over
specialized overlay network. In this study, we have investigated the Tor privacy
browser artifacts on Windows 10 and Android 10 devices and identify the potential
areas in an operating system where evidence can be found that will help the
investigators in e-discovery. In this research, we investigated the artifacts left by theTor
privacy browser on the Registry, Storage, and Memory of Windows 10 device; and
similarly we investigated the Memory, Storage, ADB logs and Zram for Android 10
device to find out how it left the evidence on these areas in operating before, during,
and after usage. Analysis of our results confirmed against claims of user’s privacy and
anonymity made by the Tor Project. Because our investigation on both operating
systems uncover significant number of evidence about user browsing activities while
Tor browser was left open, in use and even after closing the browser. This study
proposed an investigative methodology to acquire and analyze the Tor browser artifacts
from different areas of targeted operating system which will serve as a foundation for
expanding this research to conduct forensic analysis of additional privacy browsers and
enhances the investigator’s competency to achieve easier application’s forensic
investigation process.