hot water and steam is used in various processes and production stages in different industries. Traditionally, they are generating steam and hot water from natural gas and furnace oil. But the country is already facing a huge shortage of natural gas and electric power. Meeting domestic requirements of gas and electricity is becoming difficult day by day, so it’s the time to move on Renewable rather than relying on the conventional resources. The use of solar is one of the best options. Pakistan geographically lies on sun belt having maximum solar radiance and sun shine of almost 6 - 8 hours a day. The main theme of the project is designing, developing, testing and evaluation of single-axis solar tracking parabolic trough collector (PTC), which will act as a prototype for instructional and demonstrative purposes. A parabolic trough collector (PTC) having area of almost 4m2 and weight of 65kg was constructed. The proper dimension of the parabolic trough collector (PTC) was calculated using parabolic calculator and to verify the design its first constructed on AUTOCAD. The parabolic trough collector (PTC) was examined under different weather condition. COMSOL was used to simulate heat exchanger and the maximum temperature of 98˚C for the hot water was obtained The single axis tracking system was applied and results were compared with the fixed. The average efficiency of the tracking PTC was 50% more than the identical fixed collector. The cost analysis is also performed based on the actual value of usage of conventional resource, discussing the case of specific industry and the compensation which the parabolic trough collector has done by introducing as an integrated system. This system will be cost effective tracking system and significant for heating applications.