This project aims to focus on technical and economical analysis of small scale wind/solar hybrid system for domestic consumers. The analysis is carried out on HOMER II simulation software. HOMER is developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of United States of America (USA). Pakistan is one of those developing countries which are encountered with severe energy crises. The purpose of this project is to introduce a technically and economically feasible system to meet the domestic consumer‟s demand, as well as contribute to the central grid. Different systems are analyzed to obtain the most reliable and feasible system for the domestic consumers. Simulation was carried out to find an economically and technically feasible system. Sensitivity analysis was carried out with different hub heights of wind turbine, 80 % PV De-rating factor, PV life of 25 years, Different Wind speed, and Different PV slope angel. Sites selections for analysis are based on resource availability. Comparison was made with higher wind speed and lower solar radiation area with higher solar radiation and lower wind speed area. Change in hub height drastically affected energy production and economic prospect as the main factors of the system. Implementing such type of small hybrid systems on domestic level can be truly helpful to overcome energy shortage. Higher wind speed areas are technically more feasible due to higher operating hours of wind but economically slightly expensive due to wind turbines initial cost and its O&M cost. Furthermore some other variables such as capacity shortage, alternative small fraction, extra electrical power, COE, diesel powered energy usage had been additionally thought to what is specialized capacity in order to pick a system which is suitable within techno-economic elements. Cost of Energy for solar/wind/grid hybrid system is most suitable at all locations due to net metering process. COE at D.G.Khan is $ 0.079 while off-grid has $ 0.133, on-grid hybrid system at Kakul has $ 0.060 COE and off-grid has $ 0.121. Two methods had been utilized because evaluation of comparison to pick reliable energy system through the preferred choices providing merit on the basis of the measuring instrument (renewable fraction as well as levelized cost of energy).