Currently organizations have to maintain the separate systems for transactions and
analytics inside the company. Notably, different vendors provide the capabilities for
either of these tasks and this requires specialized hardware or software. Data engineers
are required to retrieve data from one source and to transform it to another format
to obtain maximum benefit in minimum time. Organizations strive for competitive
advantage that is achieved by fetching data from their customers and get insights earliest
for timely decision making. Present practices do not permit the view of latest data for
analytics since first data has to be fetched from the source, transformed, and loaded to
other systems to be utilized for analysis by relevant teams. We are going to introduce
single system for both transactions and analytics. Our proposed solution would permit
companies to seamlessly adopt our solution without need to shift all of their data to
newer systems and allow all the teams. It would grant all the teams to have the view
of the latest available data without extra expertise and budget. This solution not only
allows to keep the same system for both of the above mentioned tasks but also saves
companies from spending extra money on separate servers or resources for different types of processing