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Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds using Deep Learning

Show simple item record Muhammad Umair Waheed, Rao 2022-07-18T05:27:09Z 2022-07-18T05:27:09Z 2022
dc.description.abstract This thesis presents a new fine-grained analysis on large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation through a mechanism which fuses a local and global context aware feature representation strategy into a semantic segmentation model. Real point cloud scenes can acquire intrinsic details of the object present in the scene, but due to raw structure of point cloud data, some im portant details can be lost in the process semantic segmentation. Moreover, effective feature learning for large-scale point clouds is inherently a complex task. In this thesis, spatial contextual features are learned locally and glob ally and then fused into a semantic segmentation model which augments the geometric and semantic features in the point cloud for the task of semantic segmentation of point clouds. Further, several multi-resolution point cloud scenes have been adaptively fused to leverage better semantic segmentation results. Benchmark dataset S3DIS of large scale point clouds have been used for training and evaluation. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Muhammad Shahzad en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SEECS-School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Large-scale 3D pointclouds, semantic segmentation, spatial context, feature representation en_US
dc.title Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds using Deep Learning en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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