dc.description.abstract |
In this modern age, Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming part of our lives incautiously.
The ease of monitoring and performing our tasks remotely has made this technology
inescapable. Accessing IoT devices over the insecure network possess confidentiality
threats to the private as well sensitive information. Communication can be intercepted
in the absence of any proper access control and security mechanisms. Plain data traffic
at the public network remains enticement for the hackers and bad actors. The problem
with the conventional security methods is that they are not well suited for IoT
environment. There are multitudinous factors involves which causes the security of IoT
technology unattainable. So, there is need to introduce and implement a confidentiality
control framework reconcilable for the IoT devices in the network. The solution is to
scramble the information coming out the private IoT network, no plain traffic will pass
through the public network. This solution is implemented to provide data confidentiality
over the insecure media. In the implementation, custom build encryption module is
deployed at the local router which encrypts the IoT network data traffic when rules are
applied. The network traffic is segregated by the rules. At the client end, there is
decryption module with the corresponding rules. The encrypted communication
between client and server with the help of standard traffic capturing tool has been
verified. The solution can be deployed at any standard OpenWrt firmware’s router
which is mostly used in the wireless routers. Some practical application test cases have
also been demonstrated. The performance evaluation of the solution shows the
minimum delay and lags with the sufficient network throughput in encryption mode. |
en_US |